The Vivamo per l’Arte ensemble, Nerina von Mayer, Albie van Schalkwyk and Pamela Wijnberg.
On Sunday October 22, at 4pm, a concert by Viviamo per l’Arte will take place at Talani Terrace, Helderberg Village, with music by Bach, Ravel, de Bussy, Bizet and Clarke.
The ensemble, consisting of piano (Albie van Schalkwyk), two flutes (Nerina von Mayer and Pamela Wijnberg) , piccolo and gong, will present a programme themed “Beautiful Music inspired by Legend and Fantasy”.
Tickets cost R140. Book at Quicket, which is essential in order to gain access to Helderberg Village, at Village Music Society.
For more information, contact Olga Marsay at 021 855 3752, or Peter Searle at 021 855 0952.