Chris Brewer, Somerset West
I am thoroughly sick to death of reading and hearing about Covid news, together with those villains who steal our taxes, make stupid decisions and generally make us all feel miserable.
I suspect that’s a widespread feeling.
And I’m angry about the insidious way some of our leaders are encouraging us to turn on each other. But... this story is about Rocky.
He is a Norwegian Forest Cat and the gentlest, most handsome boy you’ve ever seen.
Loves everyone and prefers being at home with us rather than out in the vineyards or exploring.
A couple of days ago he asked to go outside (yes, he does talk) which is what he does from time to time - but never longer than an hour or so.
Anyway, he didn’t come back. My wife kept a vigil most of the night, but no sign of him.
The next day she and my brother-in-law Shane did everything conceivable to try and find him.
A notice was sent out to all the local What’sApp/Facebook groups within the neighbouring area, and Shane searched high and low for him all day.
We had a lot of consoling messages from many of these groups who forwarded the notice to other groups - probably hundreds, if not thousands of people.
Messages flooded in and Rocky was the most famous cat in the Helderberg.
We phoned vets (obviously because he’s been microchipped), and contacted the animal rescue organisations.
We waited. The worst part was not knowing what had happened or where he was. A very sad day.
After 24 hours we were really worried.
Then, last night, after him being missing for 30 hours, at around 10.30pm, my wife decided to wait up a little longer “just in case”.
To be honest, I thought it was a waste of time, but she was determined. She doesn’t give up on her animals - ever.
Amazingly, a few minutes later she heard him crying at the front door and there he was.
He looked a little shaken and not vocal as he usually is. He didn’t look injured, but definitely not “himself”.
In the morning he was taken to Teva Vetinary Clinic who said he was in pain which was dealt with immediately.
He was going to have X-rays because they suspected his back hip may have been injured.
Luckily it was nothing critical but he had been hurt, and one of his paws was damaged and severely bruised.
The point of this story is that, sometimes, you feel you live in a cruel world but there are literally hundreds and hundreds of truly kind people out there just like you and me.
They have big hearts and are genuinely concerned about others. Really good people.
We can’t thank them enough for their support and kind messages.
From now on I will try hard not to have anything to do with the doom and gloom.
I’ve stopped reading about misery.
Not reading anything except for those who write about my industry and a few online columnists whom I know or trust - and, of course, the Bolander.
With that, Rocky is home safely and recovering well.
I’d rather sit quietly cuddled up with him rather than anything else. That’s my idea of an idyllic evening, talking to my cat.
And remember there are millions of really nice and peaceful people out there in this country.
Smile hello to your neighbour
Concentrate on the positives, and keep safe.
Chris Brewer has been in advertising most of his life. He’s written three books, many magazine columns and is invited to speak at marketing industry events. He lives with his wife and two cats in Somerset West.
He publishes a business blog at