CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Johannes Schlechter abusing dog in video
A man, who was caught on camera drop-kicking a small dog, has been convicted in the Bellville Magistrates’ Court.
The court found Johannes Schlechter guilty of animal cruelty and sentenced him to a year in jail or a R6000 fine. He was also banned from owning a dog.
According to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, they launched an investigation against Schlechter on 13 September last year after being alerted to the attack on the tiny Pug named Buddy, who was savagely beaten and kicked at Agrimark in Durbanville.
Two days later inspectors tried to obtain the footage but got a skrik when they found that all the footage on the premises had been removed.
They later obtained the footage from a staff member who had recorded the incident on his cellphone.
During court proceedings, Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse told the court how Schlechter had repeatedly hit the dog in the face with his fist, pinned him to the ground, picked him up by his hind legs and drop-kicked the dog.
Schlechter, who owns three dogs, pleaded guilty but told the court that on the day of the incident he was stressed out.
“The dogs are like my children and they are well taken care of.
“On the day, the dog ran through Agrimark upsetting customers and made its way towards the main road and traffic.
“I understand what I did was wrong and I am sorry. Nobody helped me and when I eventually got to the dog, I was stressed, angry and overwhelmed emotionally.”
Schlechter was found guilty on all charges and was sentenced to pay a fine of R6000 or spend 12 months in the mang.
He was also declared unfit to own or be in charge of any animal for a period of three years.
Pieterse says they are happy with the outcome.
“One cannot return animals to an animal abuser. My biggest fear was that the Magistrate made an order for the dogs to be returned. I could not let this happen.
“I am pleased that the court, the Magistrate and prosecutors deemed this case as serious and went over and beyond to ensure that justice is served.”