The City will present the local spatial development framework (LSDF) plans for Gordon’s Bay on Wednesday July 19, at the Strand Town Hall.
The City of Cape Town is busy preparing a local spatial development framework (LSDF), for the Gordon’s Bay Development Area.
This area concerns vacant underdeveloped land situated to the north of the town, between the existing N2 highway and just east of Sir Lowry’s Pass Road.
An LSDF determines the development vision for an area on a local level. The City uses the LSDF for guidance when making decisions about development applications and land uses; and in the end, these decisions determine what a neighbourhood will look and feel like, a few years down the line.
Mayoral committee member for spatial planning and environment, Eddie Andrews said: “This area is one of the biggest parcels of vacant and underdeveloped land within the City’s borders. It has a lot of development potential and includes Vlakteplaas, where the City will develop housing, as well as Firlands.
“Apart from development pressures stemming from population growth, the intended LSDF must also take into account the upgrade of the Sir Lowry’s Pass River corridor, and Sanral’s intentions to realign the section of the N2 freeway that borders the area.
Mr Andrews added that as much as development needs to keep up with population growth demands, it must be managed in a sustainable manner that promotes and protects the unique characteristics of the area.
“In this sense we want to collaborate with residents and affected parties in the drafting of the LSDF that will guide future decisions on how this land should be used, developed, and importantly, how the natural environment should be protected,” he said.
The City will present the LSDF-initiative, its intention and purposes, to residents, businesses and affected parties at a public engagement session. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions, said the City.
“The local residents, land owners and businesses have a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be extremely useful as we draft this plan. I encourage all to attend the upcoming meeting, and to give us your comment on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and other ideas you may want to see included in the draft LSDF.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday July 19, at the Strand Town Hall, Piet Retief Street, Strand, from 5.30pm to 7.30.
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