Chairperson of the Tygerberg branch of the South African Society of Music Teachers, Hilda Boonzaaier.
The annual Hubert van der Spuy National Music Competition, this year in its 35th year, will be marked by a new collaboration with the Stellenbosch University Music Department and will take place at the Endler Hall from Monday September 16 to Friday September 20.
The Hubert van der Spuy National Music Competition is organised and presented by the Tygerberg branch of the South African Society of Music Teachers (SASMT). The first competition took place in 1989.
Professor Hubert van der Spuy - former chairperson of the SASMT (Tygerberg Branch) and widely respected music educator, inspired the competition.
This year 46 participants will be competing.
The adjudicators for 2024 are Dane Coetzee, Hendrik Hofmeyr and Lizet Smith.
The public can enjoy the competition week at the Endler Hall, Stellenbosch, by joining the Opening Ceremony for a performance of last year’s winner with the University of Stellenbosch Symphony Orchestra at no entry fee.
Alternatively the public can watch all the competition rounds from September 17 to 19 also at no entry fee.
Join us for the Gala event on 20 September hosting the finalists with tickets costing R80 and sold through Webtickets. Book tickets at
The Gala event will be live streamed on the competition’s YouTube channel.
For more information contact or follow the competition’s social media platforms.
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