
Learn the art of Kung Fu

Carmen Jacobs|Published

Shaolin Kung Fu master Andrè de Wit Krüger, pictured here during a training session, on the Strand Beach.

The Somerset West Kung Fu Academy is inviting those interested in trying out a new hobby this year, to join them in learning the art of Kung Fu.

The academy’s Shaolin Kung Fu master Andrè de Wit Krüger, from Gordon’s Bay, says they have new and exciting things lined up for this year.

The training sessions are in the Láng shì quán style. “We have found that most people don’t know much about Shaolin Kung Fu, which is a non-aggressive, more holistic martial art form and with no-contact fighting, physical kicks or punching as a start, it’s perfect for young children,” he says.

“If you look at the Yin and Yang symbol the Tai Chi is the dark side and is more for older people and the other side represents Kung Fu, more suited for children,” says Andrè, who trained in Kung Fu from 2011 to 2016 and has been practising and training students for the past 14 years.

After seeing more than 1 000 students pass through his training programme, he is proud that their academy this year celebrates their 10th anniversary.

As Kung Fu is a holistic practice, he has roped in the skills of other experts to at the training academy complement their programme and this include the services of a medical doctor, yoga teacher and psychologist.

“We’ve incorporated these specialists into our programme because I’ve discovered as a teacher you don’t know everything and we can benefit from the skills and expertise of these professionals.”

He says the focus of Kung Fu is more on equipping young participants with a positive mindset and good mental and physical health.

“The health aspect is very important in Kung Fu. If you look at the benefits and how this non-violent art form (which is often overlooked) develops children mentally and physically, you will see how it’s a whole different practice than karate and not only focused on teaching self-defence but unlocking children’s hidden talents and potential.”

An addition to their offering is the ADAPT programme catering for children with neurodiversity. “We have developed a programme for students with ADHD/ADD and autism as it’s very important for us to cater for neurodiverse children as we’ve seen a great need for this kind of programme.

“We have a few neurodiverse students attending our programme and when showcasing their progress to parents, the parents were totally amazed at their children’s talents, some were even in tears.”

The academy also works with children enrolled in NGO programmes and master Andrè does have a police clearance certificate to work with children, an important requirement in the NGO space.

Kung Fu he says, is a practice of self-discovery where children are nudged and nurtured into discovering and unlocking new talents. “The moment a student realises they can do something they’ve never done before, it goes into their sub-conscious that I’m talented and capable, igniting self-worth, confidence and giving them a sense of belonging.”

“I am trained to work with young students and it’s a unique experience requiring a lot of patience and one has to take into account that every child is different and work around that, but I must say I have been very successful in finding great talents among my students.”

One of his black belt students, Tertius Grobler, 17, who has achieved many milestones in tournaments, said the benefits were not only transformational to his physical capabilities, but in other areas of his life. “Many of the exercises we do appear simple to an onlooker, but in reality, they are exceptionally challenging, demanding precision, focus and resilience. These drills have not only enhanced my flexibility and range of motion, but have also cultivated a heightened awareness of my surroundings and a remarkable tolerance for physical strain,” he said.

“Through this journey, I’ve developed a deep sense of discipline and mental fortitude, qualities that have spilled over into other areas of my life. Sticking to a challenging routine has taught me patience, focus and the value of perseverance,” he adds.

Shaolin Kung Fu master Andrè de Wit Krüger is excited to introduce locals to the art of Kung Fu at Strand beach on Saturday.