Ainsley Moos has been appointed as the new chairperson of the council of Stellenbosch University (SU).
Ainsley Moos, a member of the executive team of the financial services company African Rainbow Capital (ARC), has been appointed as the new chairperson of the Council of Stellenbosch University (SU).
He has served on the council since 2014 and has been vice-chair since 2018.
“It remains a privilege to be able to serve on council and to liaise with fellow councillors, led by George Steyn as chairperson, and the University's management, led by Professor Wim de Villiers as rector and vice-Chancellor – to the benefit of the university and ultimately larger society. I look forward to both the opportunities and the challenges that the role of chair may bring,” said Mr Moos.
Mr Moos, responsible for corporate and stakeholder relations at ARC, is an SU alumnus who obtained the degrees BA, BPhil (Journalism) and an MBA from the University. He has also completed leadership programmes at GIBS, Wits and Harvard.
He will take over on Friday December 3 from the current chair, George Steyn, who will chair the last council meeting of the year the day before.
However, Mr Steyn will remain an ordinary board member until his term expires at the beginning of April next year. He has served on council since 2010.
“I am very grateful that Mr Moos is prepared to serve as chairperson. The SU Council is privileged to have someone of his calibre at the helm for the next term.
“I am convinced that he will be an extremely capable chairperson and we wish him all the best," said Mr Steyn, who was elected chair in 2012.
Professor Wim de Villiers said Mr Moos has already made significant contributions to the council for several years, not only as chair of the Council's Remuneration Committee, but also as a member of the Executive Committee of Council and the Human Resources Committee.
“We are very much looking forward to further benefiting from Mr Moos' management expertise as well as his proven expertise as a communications specialist and manager of stakeholder relations in the corporate world.”
He also thanked Mr Steyn for his years of extremely capable, selfless and loyal service to the university as a member and chairperson of council.