Starting their own animal ambulance service has been in the pipeline since 2020 and this year this dream could finally come to realisation for the Diere Ambulans Dienste (D.A.D). From left, are Danfred Olifant, Bronwyn Olifant and their daughter, Damika Solomons. PICTURES: CARMEN JACOBS
Making veterinary care accessible to people who do not have transportation to get their sick or injured animals to treatment facilities is their mission, says Danfred Olifant and his wife, Bronwyn, the founders of the newly launched animal ambulance service, Diere Ambulans Dienste (D.A.D).
Danfred, a former policeman with the Maitland K-9 unit after leaving the police force worked with dogs in the Middle East and upon his return served as an animal inspector for a welfare organisation for ten years.
“It’s here where I gained all my knowledge and learnt all about animal diseases,” he says. Performing his duties as inspector alerted him to the need for an animal ambulance service.
He says the idea for D.A.D was birthed in 2020 and registered as a non-profit organisation, D.A.D finally launched in February this year.
Ambulance driver, Bronwyn, and D.A.D volunteer, their daughter, Damika respond to the calls. Currently they attend to calls from animal owners in various areas and receives an average of 8 call-outs daily.
On Thursday April 25, Bolander accompanied the team on their ambulance duties in Macassar, one of the areas from which they receive the most service request calls.
The first stop is collecting a dog with a worrying growth in Chris Hani Park, Macassar. Pet owner, Lorenzo Esau, says the growth on Sasha started out as a pimple, but then continued growing. “It looks like a problem, so I’m eager to hear what the vet says. I’m happy that she will now get the best service,” he says.
Dog owner, Lynda Theunissen, at her home in Musica Avenue, Macassar, says she cannot stand to see the family dog, Rex, in such a sickly state. “He just lays here and doesn’t eat, move or make a noise as always, I just want him to get help,” she says as a lethargic Rex is loaded into the ambulance.
Clad in D.A.D branded uniforms, the team works with proficiency and professionalism in collecting the animals while simultaneously showing a great deal of empathy and care toward both pet and owner.
Then it’s off to pick up a litter of puppies due for vaccination. The animals are transported to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khayelitsha for treatment.
Bronwyn says they transport animals in need of any vet care including vaccinations and sterilisations. Additionally, they provide emergency response services in the event of motor vehicle accidents.
Their working hours are weekdays from 8am to 3.30pm but inlude availability for after-hours emergencies. “One of our calls was on a Sunday of a dog giving birth but struggled in the process and the owner not knowing what to do, called us,” Bronwyn says.
Another after-hours call involved assisting a dog who seemed to be critical. “The dog was bitten by another dog and his intestines were hanging outside his body, we dropped everything and rushed there to get the dog to the hospital,” says Danfred.
After being operational for three months, the next goal is to buy a more practical vehicle in the form of a bakkie. “This will not only assist in us transporting more animals, but we transport sick animals with diseases and viruses so in terms of cleaning and sterilising the vehicle afterwards it will be much easier to clean,” he explains.
Other plans include expanding their services to include animal carcass removal, adoption house checks and hosting animal educational workshops. But for now, the D.A.D team performs their duties with passion and is visibly enthusiastic about the work they do.
“What I enjoy most about doing this job is when a sad story has a good outcome. Like when you get called out to a place and you see the animal and think you know, oh no, there’s no hope, it’s the end for the pet but you do your duty and take them in only to see that animal survive and the story ends happily, that’s what drives me every day,” Danfred says.
Bronwyn adds: “For me it’s seeing the relief on the faces of animal owners when we show up.”
The ambulance is equipped to transport dogs and cats. Call or WhatsApp Bronwyn on 076 887 6561 to use the ambulance.The fee is dependant on the client’s location.
To sponsor or donate to their work contact Danfred on 067 712 8633.
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