Rev Rudyard Harrison, Somerset West
Let’s do it friends, it’s an easy game to play.
The girl next door struggles with maths…
she must be stupid.
She has very few friends…
she must be antisocial.
Her mother has rings under
her eyes…
she must be an alcoholic.
Her boyfriend has lots of tattoos… he must be an addict.
The girl next door has fallen pregnant… she must be a slut.
She has a part-time job as a waitress… she must be lazy.
Her father shouts a lot…
he must be a wife-beater.
Her hair is very untidy…
it must be dirty.
The girl next door had disappeared… she must have gone for an abortion.
She has, oh no it can’t be true, she has left her baby in a dumpster…
she must have no feelings at all.
Her teacher said she was uncontrollable…
she must be off her head.
Her deed is unforgivable…
she must be punished by the law.
Could the girl next door be you?
Think carefully before you connect the dots!
You may be judged with the same measure.
WA Richter, Stellenbosch
It is appreciated that the report by Carolyn Frost about the discovery of a baby in a municipal bin was featured on the front page, particularly as the person responsible had not been found at that stage.
However, to couple the report to a frivolous rock song “Wake up, little Suzi, wake up” is the epitome of poor taste and insensitivity.
It also detracts from the real tragedy of such events, which underlie the harsh economic conditions of poor people in this country, and the deteriorating moral standards which often accompany such situations.
I feel that Bolander owes an apology to the community for its pathetic headline.
To anyone who may have taken offense to the headline, please accept my sincere apology. – Ed
Helderberg Baby Saver story: p9