Teaching children the widespread and devastating consequences of plastic pollution in our oceans are the cast from Ka-BOOM!, including Sophie Joans, pictured here. The show is on later this month at The Drama Factory in Strand PICTURE: MAGGIE GERICKE
Ka-BOOM! is a children’s theatre play that has been carefully crafted to embody the struggle many face when dealing with environmental issues and is on stage this coming weekend at The Drama Factory in Strand.
The adventure unfolds as characters Squish and Splat, two unlikely heroes, embark on a daring quest to rescue the ocean from a cunning plastic bag.
This 45-minute puppetry performance engages young minds while addressing pressing issues like climate crisis, anxiety, and apathy in a playful and thought-provoking manner.
Ka-BOOM! follows the misadventures of Squish and Splat, whose fight over a plastic bag leads to an unexpected escapade. The plastic bag, Lucky, once a prehistoric fish fossilized into oil and then plastic, discovers the unintended consequences of its existence.
As the heroes try to save Lucky from himself, they unravel the greater threat of plastic pollution in the oceans and the apathy that surrounds it.
Through Pixar-movie-style comedy and the art form of puppetry, Ka-BOOM! takes young audiences on a journey across the oceans and into the heart.
The show offers a unique and empathetic perspective on our responses to the climate crisis, highlighting the anxiety and apathy that often accompany such daunting issues.
The story unfolds as Squish and Splat join forces to stop Lucky, who transforms into a malevolent plastic island, determined to suffocate a world that seems indifferent.
Will the unlikely heroes succeed in their quest, and what will it take to make people truly care about the environment?
Tshiamo Moretlwe, director and co-writer began her puppetry journey in 2021 through Janni Younge and UNIMA SA’s puppetry workshops. She brings her passion for theater and performance to create a captivating experience for young audiences.
Writer and co-designer Sophie Joans is an award-winning theatre-maker and comedian. Sophie’s expertise in puppetry, stand-up comedy, and theatre shines through in Ka-BOOM! Her creative vision ensures a perfect blend of entertainment and educational value.
Then designer, Lize-Marie Wait is a versatile artist with a background in lighting design, stage management, and performance, Lize-Marie brings her unique perspective to the puppetry world. Her commitment to using art to inspire environmental stewardship is evident in her contributions to Ka-BOOM!
Tickets cost R100 and R80 for block bookings of 10 or more. Show times at The Drama Factory are on Saturday February 17 at 11am, and on Sunday February 18, at 3pm.
Bookings can be done at www.thedramafactory.co.za, send emails to info@thedramafactory.co.za, or call 073 215 2290 for further enquiries.