Political author and commentator John Matisonn will present a talk on the upcoming elections at the Franschhoek Theatre on Wednesday April 24.
Renowned political analyst and author, John Matisonn, will deliver a talk at the Franschhoek Theatre where he will delve into the dynamics of the upcoming 2024 South African elections.
This engaging event is part of the popular SmallTalX series of talks, organised in collaboration with the Franschhoek Theatre.
Mr Matisonn’s talk will consider the declining prospects for the ANC, the potential emergence of a coalition government under the DA-led Multi-Party Charter (MPC), and the nation’s trajectory over the next five years. The talk will also feature an interactive Q&A session, allowing attendees to glean further insights from the seasoned political commentator.
With a storied background spanning journalism, broadcasting, and regulatory roles, Mr Matisonn brings a wealth of experience to the discussion. In 1979, as a young journalist at the Rand Daily Mail, his reporting on the ‘Muldergate’ scandal incurred the wrath of the apartheid regime. He was labelled a security risk, and was later handed a two-year jail sentence for refusing to disclose his sources.
Under the democratic dispensation, Mr Matisonn served as a press regulator, and even assisted Nelson Mandela with media and press training. In 1994, he was made a councillor at the Independent Broadcasting Authority (now ICASA), and was also a member of the interim board of the SABC in 2017.
Mr Matisonn’s contributions extend beyond South Africa, having played pivotal roles in international arenas such as overseeing media affairs for elections in Afghanistan under the auspices of the United Nations.
He has also been active as an author on current affairs. His most recent book is Cyril’s Choices: An Agenda for Reform (2019). His 2015 book God, Spies and Lies: Finding South Africa’s Future through its Past named Tertius Myburgh, editor of the Sunday Times from 1975 to 1990, as an agent of the apartheid propaganda machine.
The SmallTalX series – of which Matisonn’s talk forms part – has become popular for presenting an eclectic array of speakers in recent months. Talks at the Franschhoek Theatre have included experts shark conservation and behaviour, radio astronomy at MeerKAT, classical music for the saxophone, and artificial intelligence.
Future topics include the marine life of the Cape Peninsula (Georgina Jones), the biodiversity of soil (Dr Charlene Janion-Scheepers), and life in ancient Rome (Dr Ursula Westwood).
In May, the first SmallTalX event will take place in the Helderberg, when Gordon’s Bay Yacht Club will host herpetologist Tyrone Ping’s talk on the snakes and reptiles of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve.
Mr Matisonn’s talk takes place at the Franschhoek Theatre on Wednesday April 24, at 7pm. Tickets cost R250, and include a glass of wine, snacks, and a Q&A session. Books authored by the speaker will be available for purchase.
Bookings are essential, and can be made online at www.franschhoektheatre.co.za and for any queries, call Leila Shirley at 073 421 8879, or email smalltalx.info@gmail.com