Lindy Officer, Mama Themba’s project manager, celebrated her 70th birthday on Wednesday June 19. A fundraising event was held at Yethemba Place in Gant’s Centre, Strand, to bring together Mama Themba’s staff, Thembalitsha Foundation colleagues, in-house volunteers and several leaders of volunteer groups who support them, such as Helderberg Rotary Anns, Ladies-4-Babies, Hillsong’s Knit Sisters and Coronation Methodist Church. In lieu of gifts, Lindy requested that donations of baby items be made towards Mama Themba, a local NPO who provide education, support and care bags to mothers and their new babies at local state hospitals in the district. Themba Training, their sister project, who provide skills training at Yethemba Place, make many of the baby blankets for the care bags. A great time was had by all, enjoying coffee, buying products made by local entrepreneurs and witnessing computer and sewing courses taking place.