Rev. Roux Malan
The Somerset West Unitarian Fellowship will be meeting Saturday September 7, at 10 am, in the Vonke meeting room of Vonke House, 121 Lourensford Road.
The guest speaker will be Rev. Roux Malan. After completing a Master's degree in clinical pastoral care at Stellenbosch University, he was ordained as a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church.
There he conducted weekend retreats for colleagues based on the contemplative practices of the protestant Taizé Community in France as well as Centering Prayer developed by Thomas Keating, a Catholic.
Over the years Rev. Roux gained experience with mindfulness practices developed in Japan and Korea. Numerous scientific studies proved that these practices can reduce anger, anxiety, stress and physical pain.
They are also beneficial for those suffering with addictions. They decrease cognitive decline and improve the immune response, too.
In 2008 Rev. Roux was ordained as the minister of Cape Town Unitarians. Currently he is semi-retired and living in Somerset West with his partner, Rachel.
The title of his talk is Breathing In, Breathing Out. In this presentation Rev. Roux will lead attendees through a series of short mindfulness practices (mindfulness of breathing, feelings and thoughts).
He will also share passages from the Bible and the "Breathing In and Breathing Out Discourse" to demonstrate the deeper meaning and purpose behind these practices.
Entry is free, and light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Dave Mayes on 021 850 0863 or
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