On Sunday December 20, members of a local non-profit organisation, The Sacred Sites Foundation of Southern Africa, gathered in collaboration with he National Indigenous House of Aboriginal Tribes, represented by Paramount Chief, Hawequa -|Xam – (Sedas) Shedrick Kleinschmidt.
Honourary guests present were Bushman King Tier Frans, of the Nduva Royal House – Khwe Tribe, and HRH Queen Anette Twybie ii Loots (Vorster), of the Eastern Cape Xegwi Xam Tribe.
They were gathered together for the annual Summer Solstice ceremony, and an interpretation and sacred site custodianship management proposal, for Paarl Rock, by Sacred Sites researcher and author Dean Liprini, of the Sacred Sites Foundation of Southern Africa, that will help support and uplift the local indigenous communities, by creating jobs in the cultural tourism sector.
The chosen sacred site for this gathering was at Paarl Rock, believed to be an ancient stone age, sun and moon temple, used by the early people who lived in this area, the ancestors to the aboriginal Xam Bushman, according to latest research done by Mr Liprini.
For more information, visit www.sacredsites.co.za