The De Haviland Tiger Moth, seen at Stellenbosch Airfield, served as a training plane for thousands of British and Commonwealth pilots during WW2. Many were sold as military surplus in South Africa after the war, and today are cherished reminders of an era when one flew with “wind in your hair”.
The De Haviland Tiger Moth, seen at Stellenbosch Airfield, served as a training plane for thousands of British and Commonwealth pilots during WW2. Many were sold as military surplus in South Africa after the war, and today are cherished reminders of an era when one flew with “wind in your hair”.The unmistakable UH-1Huey helicopter, thousands of with were utilised in multiple roles in the Vietnam conflict. Some survivors are now usefully employed in fighting seasonal fires in the Western Cape and Mpumalanga. This one is parked at Stellenbosch Airfield, along with other Working on Fire aircraft.